Signs & Sayings

There's always a little truth behind every "JUST KIDDING".
There's always a little knowledge behind every "I DON'T KNOW"
There's always a little emotion behind every "I DON'T CARE"
There's always a little pain behind every "IT'S OKAY"

I really wanna take care here very well,
but it is very trouble if didn't have a own computer.

I believe, if I tell my dad I want a new computer, he will buy to me.
then, what is the reason make me shut up??!!

Whatever you do good or bad, people will always have someting negative to say. reopen...
The ending of the pretty boring but nice holidays..
my bag..had been abandoned 2 weeks ago..

I was tried to find back the feeling of writting..
what the fucking hell the strange was!!

Feelings change, memories don't.

Final exam is coming soon!!

of course..everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain..
but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

I just found that the funny meaning of "html".
that is HOW TO Mxxx Lxxx..
you got it??!! XD

It's better to just quietly miss someone rather than to let them know and get no response.

It's hard to forget someone that you know you'll always remember.

Busy doing NOTHING!!
Who the hell are you!!
Don't copy my attitude, it's my copyright!!
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